"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough"
~ Mae West

My other blog, strictly about my horse, is www.deardiesel.blogspot.com

Saturday, February 4, 2012

In review: A Talk with film director Christopher Monger

I must admit that going into this 'Talk' I was feeling very unworldly and very uneducated. I had heard the name Christopher Monger before, but I could give no legitimate description of who he was or what he did. If you currently are in the same boat that I was in, here are your options:

Check out his website
Check out his IMDB Profile
Or Check out what Wikipedia has to say ** Please note, ANYONE can post onto Wikipedia so read with that in mind.

Now that we are familiar with him, at least a bit, I can tell you that the 'Talk' was fascinating and he is quite the interesting person. He is witty and funny, plus his accent makes everything that much better.

I had the option to go this 'Talk' for my public speaking class and I am glad that I did. He is a dynamic presenter and speaker. No matter what interest level students had in his work, I know they were paying attention because he spoke in a manner that made listening to him worthwhile.

After attending this event, I have added 'Watch the Temple Grandin Movie' to my weekend To Do List.

 Side note: I am 5'10" [hence the name of this blog] and he said he needed to tippy toe since I'm so tall, & he did.

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